- Name: Texas Gateway of the Americas VI - Houston Region
- Co-Hosts: Iberoamerica Consular Corps (GCI) & Greater Houston Partnership (GHP)
- Venue: Partnership Tower, GHP, 701 Avenida de las Americas, Suite 900, Houston TX 77010
- Date: Friday, October 20, 2023
- Time: 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM
- Parking: 4th floor, Parking garage
- Entrance Rusk St. Validation will be provided
- Format: Speakers, discussion panels,presentations, dialogue, networking
- Participants: Consuls of Ibero America in Houston, Greater Houston Partnership and public and private sector of Houston and the Americas
FRIDAY, October 20, 2023
08:30 AM Continental Breakfast - Networking
Gateway of the Americas Welcome 09:00 AM Sea & Land Transportation Overview Sea Transportation Sea Transportation Land Transportation Land Transportation Economic Development 10:30 AM Aviation, Travel & Hospitality Moderator Aviation Travel & Hospitality 11:15 AM COFFE BREAK 11:25 AM Business Services Immigration Sports Artificial Intelligence 12:15 PM Institutional Support City of Houston GHP Casa Cultural de las Americas 12:45 PM Texas' Americas Expansion - PANAMA 01:30 PM LUNCH Remarks UPDATES Global Engagement Institute Aspire UH Port Freeport DN Commercial Port of the Future Conference DISCUSSION Note: Coffee will be available throughout the conference |